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Tara O'Donnell-Killen


Creator at the Intersections of Technology, Psychology, and Human Rights


About Me


Hi! I'm Tara O'Donnell-Killen, a creator at the intersections of technology, psychology, and human rights, dedicated to harnessing the power of technology and psychology to drive positive change in society. My journey spans founding Beach and Lemon, a pioneering company at the forefront of innovation, to leading Thriving Autistic, where we empower neurodivergent individuals by connecting them with supportive professionals. At Luminosity Labs, we're creating 'tech for good,' focusing on solutions that make a meaningful difference. My work is guided by a belief in the potential of every individual and the transformative power of technology.


My Ventures


Beach and Lemon


A pioneering company at the forefront of innovation. Visit Website


Thriving Autistic


Empowering neurodivergent individuals by connecting them with supportive professionals. Visit Website, which also hosts the Neurodivergent Practitioners Network, a platform that connects ND people with ND therapists, coaches, psychologists, etc.


Luminosity Labs


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